Monday, August 31, 2009

Give a Little Love to Get a Little Love


I feel kinda like I want to post pictures. It is kind of addicting. And it makes things look more interesting. I mean I like reading blogs with pictures more than I like reading the ones without, I just need my batteries. Hopefully I will get to the grocery store tomorrow and do that...properly this time hahahaha!

Dehydration and Lack of Sleep

= VERY GRUMPY LIA! I was rather stressy today because of those factors. I was verging on snapping at my IP group. Good thing I didn't. I did eat a rather heavy hot lunch today, which will be my cooked meal for the week and well....yah, not the best idea. The cooked foods I had had before weren't actually hot, so technically I have gone 2 weeks without hot food. And my lunch killed me. I ate at 12.30. I'm just getting hungry now and it is definitely 7.15 pm! And I think it may have contributed to my mood and stomach ache hahaha! and learn.


I was SOO close to not working out today because of my mood, and I had signed up for an off campus yoga, which is taught in french. But I just get too stressed and crossed my name off the yoga list since it takes 1 hour to go up and down the mountain to get to the class and back, and the 1 hour class. 2 hours with the projects on my mind...sometimes I just need to NOT commit myself to everything around me, maybe then I would have more free time? hahahaha! I did go to the gym to get my stressyness out of my system. Oh wonderfulness. T'was nice and I feel better.

Random Notes:

I think I want to be a little less selfish and initiate more social relationships. I'm pretty sure my lack of initiative is why I find myself sitting in the lobby or CDV working all the time. Not that working is bad of course! I'd just like to give a little love.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sunday Beauty

It's 10.30 Plan for the Day:

- Go to school and do homework and studies.

- Do cardio, intervals, at the gym (I don't really do cardio much at alllllll)

- Catch the funi and go home to make lunch, "asian rice"

- Catch the funi back to school and do more studying

- Chill with friends

- Go home, make dinner, and watch 21 Grams


Saturday, August 29, 2009



I think I am finally figuring out how to control the amount I spend on groceries. I'm actually starting to pay attention! Yay Lia, learning. More veggies, less fruit. Strawberries instead of blueberries. Lettuces and green things! Yah. I was gonna take a picture of my groceries yesterday because I managed to get a huge amount to last me for a good while for 60 chf, which I was actually surprised baout. One of my purchases was batteries fro my camera since it is dead. BUT when I got home I bought AAA instead of AA, awesome Lia. So, I'm still camera-less. I also wanted to show you why Swiss people are so fit: A picture of me with my bags after walking down the mountain with them, which meant I had to walk UP the mountain initially. Yup. Swiss people are awesome.


That project I was stressing about is moving along now. I think, I hope. we have a deadline now, which is the Friday of Week 7. Monday will be week 6. This will give me ample time to go through everything and make sure all writing is nice and smooth. I discussd with one of the more responsible group members on how to motivate our not so responsible one to no avail. THEN in the middle of our meeting it struck me, andI made my proposal. We would pitch in and buy him a magnum sized bottle of vodka if he finished his part by friday of week 7. The other memebrs loved the idea and said they were gonna contribute too. Not the healthiest way to motivate, but he loves partying and drinking so this seemed suitable for now. Hahahaha! I know, it's kinda bad....He actually pumped out some stuff that day with the incentive in mind, so that was a good sign!

Summer's End

The mornings have been feeling colder now, and I fear my days of laying out in the sun with a tank top and skirt are coming to an end. I suppose this is inevitable, but I so love the warmth of summer and the harsh sun. There is a pool party today that I will be enjoying to celebrate the end of summer I think.

Food and Fitness

I haven't talked much about htis but all is well. I was a bit behind on my fitness routine, but I caught up and am all good now. I noticed that I was scheduling Thursdays as my off days, but always wanted to work out on Thursdays, and not on Fridays so I switched it up this week...though I went dancing on Friday and my legs are sore!! SO I donno if I have really gven myself a proper day off from exercise this week. When I finish this 30-day program I'm taking a nice week off because I haven't chilled for almost 6 weeks now, and I've read that you should take that time off after 6 weeks. I've been 100% raw except for the one cooked meal a week, and it has gone well for the second week! It is interesting how I am not having as much trouble with craving cooked foods as I thought I would have. I'm off to the gym now and then the pool. For lunch I made guacamole which I will put in Endive leaves! Yumm! And also an ear of sweet swiss corn for munching on!

Thursday, August 27, 2009



Yesterday was pretty interesting. I did another yoga lesson using the routine from Yoga to the People. It was not one I had done before and I thought I had clicked on one I had was quite difficult. A large part of the girls who started left part way through, so I don't know how it went over with them, if they had to leave for some reason, or they were working too hard. I enjoyed it a lot, but the sweat was dripping off of me. I'm sore today! One girl came up to me after the class and was so happy because in Russia, where she is from, the classes she used to take were REALLY hard, so she loved it and wanted to make sure I would be doing it every Wednesday, which I will because I love it, and it chills me out on Weds, which is much needed. Today is conditioning class. The gym manager bought us jump ropes, so I'm excited to try them out today!


I realized that while most people have their classes scattered until Friday mine are compressed only until Thursday, which is awesome because I get an extra day added to my weekend, BUT I have an intense week. SO I really need to focus and stay motivated...and well hydrated on Thursdays because it is full classes 8-5.30. I'm just telling myself that now. Almost done then relax. 2 classes left, DO IT!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Oh Right, Deadlines


So, we have this project, the Integrated Project, in which we can create a group of 6 from any of the management, HOIII, classes and we have this project that incorporates 6 different classes. I am doing accounting as my focus, though I have spent most of my energy and time on F&B. It is week 5 of classes and this project is due in week 9. Things need to be done! I'm just realizing that some parts that should really be finished haven't even been started, and it is starting to stress me out a bit. I might have to take on Human Resources because it hasn't been touched yet or learn how to get the group member to actually do it....I'm trying, I've tried the positive reinforcement thing, and I almost snapped at him today because he didn't reference ANYTHING, and that = plagerism = group FAILURE. This counts as 30% of 6 classes final grades. Kind of important. I told him he is screwing over his whole group by not referencing and it is more than just failing the class or the project. It is failing the year. An EVEN bigger deal. He kinda got pouty and walked away. I'm getting impatient with him....*deep breath*

It will get done, even if a few of us have to pick up the slack at the end, which would be no good, but better than otherwise. We have a meeting today, so hopefully things will get cleared up and people will feel the pull of the deadline. I'm gonna be the last one working because I have to proof read the entire 12,ooo word paper, so I'm just feeling the deadline more than they are. If they finish 1 day before it is due, that leaves me that night to read and correct etc.

Ok I'm done. Refreashing to read a stressed out Lia? hahaha! Ok I have Facilities Management class now. Peace out!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I had a WONDERFUL day today! Why? I was recounting the story to my mom and realized the circumstances aren't all that epic or even what most would consider good. Then my mind wandered back to Psych class yesterday. We talked about optimism and how it is a mentality etc. We din't really go into it much since we were focusing on Alzheimers, though I don't know why. Anyway, we talked about how you can create new pathways in the brain and train it to flow a certain way. Then we looked at Monk's brains during rest and during meditation and how they actually trained them to work differently. My point is that I was noticing that the wonderfulness of the world is created by each of us, and circumstances are not the reason for joy or sadness, 90 % of the time I suppose or maybe all the time.

The day started with me missing my Funi to get to school at 6.50. I had brought too much to my apartment: 2 heavy shoulder bags and my purse, so walking down was going to be a bit harder than normal, oh AND it was raining, hahahaha!! So, I rolled up my suit pants (yes I was in uniform) and put on some sneakers. I did the 20 minute walk down the mountain trail through the woods and LOVED it. I felt so refeashed an happy for some reason and the thought struck me: "This is a reason I work out and stay fit, so I can deal with this without too much trouble" hahahaha! Too much fun.

Then my smoothie tasted particularly good this morning, though I donno why exactly, maybe it was the fact that the banana didn't blend perfectly so I got little surprise chunks of frozen yummy banana with each sip! The small things in life right!

Class was fun for some reason too.

Then I clarified a guy situation letting him know I wasn't looking for a romantic thing, and it went SO much better than I expected, but maybe that is just my awkward stressy self. And all is well there.

Then a nice workout that added more endorphins to my already happy self.

Then I enjoyed the biggest salad of forever, INCLUDING truly spiralized zuchini. Hahaha! I asked the chef in the kitchen if I could use it for my dinner, and since the students hadn't arrived to start prepping for dinner, they let me! I was so happy and loved the texture so much. I made a raw marinara curry sorta creamy sauce that I brought to school with me and used as my dressing. There were tons of other veggies and mushrooms, oyster I think, so it was truly epic. I looked at it thinking there was no way I was gonna be able to finish it, and did with a perfect fullness. The workout must have been burning me more than I thought.

So now that I'm done rambling about my day, with no message, I will go do Women's fitness!

Maybe it's all the raw foods I've been eating. I've been 100% raw since the start of Ramadan, except my 1 cooked meal for the week. Yippee!

Monday, August 24, 2009


Fitness NYC is doing an awesome giveaway of a 3 DVD set of physique 57 (workout DVDs) check it out if you're interested!

Another Week


It's 8 am here in Bluche and I'm enjoying the morning :D I watched another film that grabbed my attention in the library the other day. It's called Lovers of the Arctic Circle, and it is a Spanish film. Another movie about childhood romance that lasts to adulthood when they reunite. It was well made, and filmed differently than your typical "Classic Hollywood" film. I think that is why foreign films appeal to me so much. They are more likely to take the same concepts we see in movies, but portray them in a refreashing way that reminds you why you initially appreciated the concepts. The big Blockbusters have created the cliches that we can no longer take seriously when they occur in real life. The novelty is gone, in many instances. Anywhoooo. I am running low on smoothie ingredients, I still don't understand how I go through fruits and veggies so quickly. I made a blackberry, banana, plum, lamb lettuce, coconut milk, flax, and chocolate smoothie. It was not the best. I actually added the chocolate powder after I tried it without hmmm....I wouldn't mind going back to some of my classic favorites: Strawberry, blueberry, banana. Simple and delicious!


Yeah, so this week, what is going on? Well, This is the first week of quizes, so everyone is trying to figure out what is going to be on each quiz, and finish their Integrated Project, which takes over your life in Management year. I will be very glad when it is done! I've become the group leader somehow. Perhaps because I'm only one who speaks english as their first language, or I'm the only girl, or the most organised? Who knows. It's actually really fun being in this group of typically "too-relaxed" guys. I have faith that the project will get done on time, but I thik I feel comfortable because they send me things each step of the way and I review it, so I know where we stand in terms of quality. I'm also the official writer of the group (the whole english language thing). Most of them are Portuguese and very happy people! :D


This week I decided to keep it like last week. I have the gym for my class on Tuesday; Wednesday is yoga; Thursday is conditioning in the classroom. The interest has decreased a bit, but Im okay with that right now because I'm super busy and when there are too many girls in the gym I can't give them the best workout since I can't focus on all of them at once. The classroom is, of course, different because we do a nice group workout session. I still need to figure out good aerobics music. The yoga music is covered, thanks for the earlier suggestions!

Ramadan Update

My Raw for Ramadan situation has been quite successful. I've been enjoying raw foods galore and even had an all fruit picinic yesterday with a friend. Good times. The school prepares sandwiches and fruit for people fasting, so that they will have something to eat at sundown. It is nice that the school recognizes it, but the sandwiches are rather sad, and certainly not enough food for some of the bigger guys. Last year, we gave free food at CDV, the cafe I worked at here, to all those fasting. Management wasn't happy about it, but it was our way of making a statement about effort and quality and TAKING CARE OF GUESTS since this is a hospitality school and all....enough of that now.


I did 50 pushups the other day. Not consecutivley, but still. Soon I'll be doing some proper pull-ups. I'm stoked! Oh, and the pants that got tight while I was home are all loose again, score. That is one thing I need to work on: staying active when I go on vacation. And I need a new swimsuit. I've needed one for a year, but if I don't find the one I want, which I already have in mind, then I don't really consider other options. I found it in the Philippines, but the bottoms were one size too small! Otherwise it was sooo perfect. I almost bought it, but told myself to be realistc. I think it was Roxy halter with shorts and a cute belt. Loved it. Need to find it!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

A View of Recent Awesomeness

Here are some more pictures of my life wooot!

I bought TONS of black berries at the market! Sooo good!!

I also finished my Amazing Grass Green awesomeness alas.

I ALSO finally succumbed to the banana soft serve, though I added some coconut milk, which made a delicious combination. This is literally frozen bananas blended, so good!

I did enjoy it :D

And here is some pics of my apartment, which I know you wanted to see.

What I got in my package: Wild rice, DVDS, Sephora gift card, pecans, flax, and cashews

I didn't know this was gonna cost 35 chf.....
Incense, planner, and lock, and stain remover...much needed

I also made an awesome salad that is super nutritious. Zuchini, lamb lettuce, red lettuce thing, dulse, nutritional yeast, flax, and a creamy asian curry dressing made with blended seeds!!

That's about it over here.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Stop Kissing Pigs!


Swine flu is pretty rampant at my school. A bunch of confirmed cases and TONS of students being quarantined, and more wearing masks around. They are all just getting a nasty flu, recovering and moving on with their lives, but for some reason people are freaking out because THIS flu has a special name. So far I've been pretty lucky not getting it. I will give due credit to the immense loads of produce I have been eating since the people I spend the most time with are ill. Some of the Koreans are really freaking out about it and are petitioning the school to close down for a couple of days. I have NO idea what that would accomplish, except to promote two more nights of partying and transmission of the virus....but maybe I'm just being cynical. I did not sign the petition.


It's realllllyyyy hot here right now. A killer to wear uniforms. I donno how the "sweat inclined" deal with this, if they change their shirts often or what. There is AC in some of the rooms, only the larger ones, otherwise, no AC and suits. The lobby bar is making a load of money on lemonade and ice cream hahaha!


A lot of the muslims have been talking about participating in Ramadan, and have been asking me to join them. I thought about it, and have always thought it would be a good idea, just to feel it out and reconnect with my roots, but I know already that fasting all day would do me no good when I'm running this fitness club and going to classes all day, so I thought I would make a modification for my purposes. Fasts are supposed to be cleansing so I will make this my 40-day higher-raw ackowledgement of Ramadan. Recently I have not been as raw as I would like. I've never been good at following a "challenge" through, so I'm a bit worried about my consistancy, but I shall give it a go. My criteria is to eat ALL raw meals except one meal a week. I think that is a good idea and I shall have to plan appropriatly in order to stick to it. I've been noticing that produce is costly since I eat so much of it, and I wanted to apologize to my dear daddy for that and thank him for giving me the means and opportunity to eat the way I do, as strange as it has seemed to my family. So thank you!


I "led" my first yoga class by using a podcst from Yoga To The People and doing the moves for the girls to follow. It went well and was realllyyy challenging! I didn't realize I was giving them such a hard one. Most of them were just chilling in child's pose for the last parts. I did find a girl who used to do ribbon gymnastics and yoga, and said she would be interested in teaching, soooo that would be super helpful, and we will see what becomes of that. Today is free weights in the classroom. I donno what I'm gonna do with them yet. I need some good music for these workouts, any suggestions??

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Trip

Random Comments

I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures! You should definitely visit Switzerland, just for the views. I'm chilling in the lobby about to review some facilities management stuff since there are rumours that we have a test today. I'm a bit worried, as this professor is rather hard. I've been wanting to update the blog but keep finding myself with 15 minutes with internet and doing research or something. But I got up bright and early (6 am) to get some stuff done before class at 10. I watched the sunrise this morning, which was refreashing as always.


I had another awesome workout yesterday, doing the Gym Junkie 30 day challenge fro summer that I never finished before. I really love these workouts. The gym was so full wen I went though, and I think I looked a bit funny doing jump squats over and over again. THEN there was women's fitness, which had a better turn out than expect. 11 people out of the 8 that signed up, not bad. I put them through some of the gym junkies stuff and then we did a really challenging abs session with tons of isometric holds. The girls were dying, it was funny, and they appreciated actually being challenged in the gym. There are some that I see in the gym often enough, and realized today that they go and don't callenge themselves when they are there. I donno what they do. Just my naivity I suppose. I'm glad they want to come and get a good workout.


The school is hosting a trip to the Italian part of Switzerland on Saturday, and I'm going! Yay! My first school trip. And it is free of course because I do the fitness class. It should be fun. My goal this semester is to travel around more, so this is a start. I'll take pictures and post them when I go.


I've been making this kinda of veggie lasagna thing. I've had it 3 times this week. Sooooo good! I initially used the leftover pesto, but I made a big batch of "teryaki sauce" so now I've been making them with thhat sauce. So fresh!


I got a package the other day sent from home!! So excited. HAHAHAHA, I even managed to "Sneakily" open it in class to explore its contents. There was tons of flax, pecans, cashews, almond butter, a Sephora gift card, wild rice, and a bunch of DVDs of a film my friend made for her film school project about why an American is studying in Europe. She flew all the way out here to film me in class and stuff. Its was fun and epic!

Friday, August 14, 2009

A Day of Beauty

I Took Pictures Today YAY!

I started my day pretty well getting up at 6am as usual, though harder on Fridays since I have one class at 8 am for only one hour. But I did. And I had a quarter Watermelon for breakfast yum yum. With an espresso, yes I did. I got up, but it was an effort. I wanted the help. Oh, fitness yesterday went pretty badly. The guys came and argued and complained about how this is discrimination etc. etc. so I was very distracted from the girls, and did not get to get a good flow going. They got Radu's number (the recreation head) and the guys are going to talk to him about how unfair it is to close off the gym for 2 hours a week during peak time. We shall see. I was pretty bummed out about it yesterday, but got over it this morning. Didn't sleep well unfortunatly. I was plagued by bad dreams.

Onto the Pictures:

Here is my beloved "garden" of basil and parsley. They make donations to my raw pesto. ;D

I was walking around Crans-Montana today since the weather was too nice and I finished class super early..... AND I desperately needed groceries. This place is usually and ice skating rink, so I thought it was so cool that in the summer it is all sandy and stuff.

Heyyyyyyy look, a stage for concerts!

HAHAHA and then I noticed that there were trampolines with kids in harnesses!! Why not hahaha!

When I got to Migros I was soo excited because the Migros up there has a little juice bar, and I have been craving some juice. I asked for carrot and celery, but they didn't have celery, but I asked and they agreed that if I bought some they could make my juice....ummm, yah, that basically means future juices are in my hands!! I can buy the goods and have them juiced there. They even discounted the price of the celery!

I was soooo excited about all my fresh produce that completely weighed me down, and went straight home to make another Zuchini pesto, but this time used the wide slicer thing on the grater to make long strips of zuchini pasta. I also was smart and bought pre grated carrots, and mini asperagus, as well as cherry tomatoes. I made my pesto and mixed it all up!! YUM!

I also stopped by a hidden kitchen store that I had not known about previously and they are odering a spiralizer by my request. It is 55 chf, and looks big in the picture, so I will probably not be making that purchase, as it would also be quite a pain to travel around with. It's cool they have one though.

Oh, that's me on my balcony enjoying the food. I don't usually crouch when I eat my food, but I didn't think to move the chair to the balcony to bring the camera up...whateve

I got to look at this too hehehehe, I'm sooooo spoiled here!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Drunk HA


Ok, so I just had lunch and found myself all "drunk"- extroverted and joyous, when, before lunch I was irritable. I have been noting that I get this super extroverted mood at certain times, and wanted to think out loud to see when it is and how I can take advantage of it. One, is obviously after I eat when my blood sugar had been low, another is when I have a had a glass of wine, another after I worked out and feel powerful and "high." Oh, and when I've been communicating with old friends. Those bring out my POSITIVE extroverted side. So, I would love to work this understanding in a strategic way. Simply to take advantage of, and maximize a part of me that I value and wish was more consistant. I'm not saying I'm super happy one day and depressed the next. I'm talking more along the lines of extroversion and introversion. I value both and am happy in both states, but I prefer my extroverted state over my introverted one, probably because I love people and being productive and ACTIVE. There is another side of my extroverted state, which is the restless sort of self destructive one. I'm still trying to find the root of it and how to avoid it, but so far this semester, so good! Everything seems to work out when I'm in those positive outgoing moods and it takes A LOT to get me down. I used to think that one could control one's moods absolutly, but I have come to realize that it usually happens the other way around, where your mood can control you absolutly!! I think the key is understanding that side of you and using it correctly as well as learning how to maintain certain states and react appropriatly through others. for thought I suppose, or random internal rambling of my mind ;)

Anything tangible to talk about?

Well, I did finally get to chill in the sun yesterday, which was much needed for my mental wellbeing as well as adding a bit of colour...I mean in the summers one really shouldn't be getting paler...Ha, and I just wrote COLOUR instead of COLOR didn't even realize it. Europe is clearly sticking now. Well, 2 years, I suppose it is about time. I ALSO had another women's fitness class yesterday teaching an aerobics class in one of the larger classrooms. It was fun. They wanted to do some cheerleading (love them!!) so I taught them part of a dance and did some cheer specific conditioning. I had them go through some jump drills and began the foundation for a toe touch jump. All good. And I had a very filling lunch, and I feel happy. I need to buy groceries 'cause I've been living off of watermelon and dried fruit and nuts...literally. I just haven't planned properly to get to the store. I'm going tomorrow and getting stuff together for a dinner I'm hosting on Saturday hopefully. We shall see how it goes. I still have that yellow pepper that I should eat....I just don't fancy peppers.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


What does it take to be a writer, like part time? For online sites, or an advice column in a magazine or newspaper? How on earth does one go about trying out "writing on the side?"

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

More Wonderfulness


Really now, why am I so euphoric? I cannot understand this crazyness. I was thinking back to different times recently in the past and how not excited I was for things I used to jump for joy about, and I wonder. I used to turn down walks, or not look forward to them. I LOVE walks. I have probably talked this to death now, but I just need to say it one more time. I'm just so fulfilled right now, and I do not know the cause. I'd like to discover it! The food? The exercise club? I love people so much! hahaha I sound rediculous. I'm done now. hahahaha!!

In Other News

I had another Women's Fitness meeting today in the gym. We did an upper body workout with the free weights. They got a good workout and I hope they feel it tomorrow. I put them through some Interval training at the end and pushed them SUPER hard there. They like it and that is what they come for. Direction and a push. I hope I deliver. I try to drop in helpful hints and tips to keep motivation up and achieve the results they want without the tedium that can come with gyms. I had to confront some guys today and got a bit of grief....where is that gym stagiere? That is his job....I also did a pretty crazy workout for myself today. Day 1 of the 30 day program I'm starting. CRAZY! I died. YOu know when you're running SUPER hard and sweat is literally dripping off you? I wasn't running, I was lifting, and that was me. Truly awesome :D


I'm just waiting for the Funi and am all caught up and organized with my work, so I'm chilling tonight with a foreign film called All About Lily Chou Chou I think. Interesting plot. I shall see how it goes. Oh, the other film I watched on Sunday was called Cuckoo and was SO nice. It's about three people in one of the World Wars who stumble upon each other, in a not war setting and don't speak the same language, but bond and communicate. It's definitly funny and not dramatic or anything. Very cute. Sooo excited to get away to my little den and chill. Right now I'm surrounded by loud semi-drunk people. Ahhhh college. I'm hungry too...watermelon awaits me YUM!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

More Goodness


Aight! So, I wanna say a couple things. First off that life is awesome and I feel so excited everyday! I donno why...I'm okay with that, but this is more than reminiscent of the Lia I was missing oh so much before!! :D yay! Second, I'm going to write my blog update now.


To start with, I attempted to make raw vegan alfredo sauce based on a recipe I found in a cookbook, but it was WAY lemoney, and ended up being more of a creamy italian garlic sauce. It was still god, but a bit overwhelmingly lemoney. So last night I was STARVING because I stayed in school the ENTIRE day to do some work and use the internet, and I guess my workout schedule has bumped up my metabolism 'cause my packed lunch and snacks were nowhere near enough to satisfy. Sooooo, I went home for an early dinner by 6 and made a better pesto for my "zuzhini pasta." T'was quite delicious, and I still have half the pesto leftover to use on something tonight perhaps? I'm out of zuchini though, and just about all my other veg....though I do have ayellow bell pepper waiting for me...maybe I'll make stuffed bell pepper for dinner? I'm getting ahead of myself. I did plan ahead, because I read a delicious recipe online and decided to ACTUALLY make a proper raw dessert. I've always kinda been scared to do it for some reason. I made an O SO GOOD lemon strawberry cream cake. Heavenly....sssiiiggghhhh* I blended dates, pecans, almonds, a touch of sea salt, and a bit of sunflower oil until it became like a thick dough. I pressed it into a small container and let it chill for a bit. Then I put a whole avocado, juice of one lemon, 6 soaked dates, 3 non soaked dates, and a hanful of strawberries into the blender, until amazingly creamy. Pour into the crust and let chill. EAT. I enjoyed a nice portion of that an hour or so after my pesto dinner while watching a really cool movie.


It is called Respiro. An Italian film about a woman who is more liberal than her society accepts. The librarian was getting excited because we have the same taste in movies, so she handed me a couple to watch this weekend. I also gave her a list of movies to order that she doesn't have. I actually suggested the film Caramel, but it was already on its way! She watched Solaris too and we had a nice little chat about what the movie was about and what it meant. She gave me another one to watch tonight, but I don't remember the name. I will let you know.


Sore. I'm taking this weekend off of any physical activity simply because my body needs a rest. I've been working out pretty hard when I'm on my own, and then I go to the women's fitness and end up getting a second workout unintentionally. So, I'm chilling for now. I wanna restart this awesome 30 day intense program I started last semester, but didn't finish. I love it because it taught me some of my new favorite weight exercises and gives you a lot of free will in the program. As always, I ignore the "diet" part of it because it usually does not apply to my eating habits, and I eat healthy anyway. I reorganized the Women's Fitness Club a bit. I designated Tuesday and Thursday as in the gym days, and Wednesdays as larger group class days, each week a different thing. So, this Weds is "Body Weight Boot Camp" hahahaha! I like the name too ;P I'll do a yoga class, and a dance thing, etc.

Perks of Passion!

I was informed after my last class, by the recreation manager at school that I get free access to all the school trips because I am donating my time to the school. So, I finally don't have to worry about paying for the trips to Milan and Lugano and stuff. There is one in 2 weeks and another in a month, so I'm gonna go to both without having to spend 80 chf! YAY! Doing what you love always pays off when you don't expect it to, crazy!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


SO, I read a blog post today. It was written by one of the many health blogs I follow and it made me realize something about myself. Any of you quiet readers out there who "found" my other blog about my quest for finding health, fitness, and balance, know a bit about how I have had some issues with food and body image and all that jazz. The blog is not there anymore if you're looking for it. WELL, the post, linked above is about how a lot of health bloggers have this unhealthy obsession with health and especially with food. As I was reading it, I was remarking to myself that I didn't stress about going out to eat; I gained 10 lbs when I went home, noted it, started eating a bit better again, and moved on with my life. Basically, I JUST realized that I don't stress out about these things anymore, at least not anywhere near to the extent I used to. I've already lost the 10 lbs, and was very happy along the way. I love eating greens and do so with reckless abandon. Being vegan has also come into balance for me. I will eat some things that are not vegan if I am put in a position where my options are nonexistant, and I don't stress about it anymore because I think I realized that everything is a choice. Ha! I know who I learned that from too, thanks, you should know who you are ;) I am not obligated to be healthy. I do not HAVE to be vegan. I certainly don't NEED to go to the gym. But I like to. I am doing more of what I like. It's cool to realize it. No, it is liberating. :D Am I becoming normal? hahahahahahaha!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

High Raw


So, I wanted to write a little something about my eating. Mid-end of last semester I really started eating a lot of raw vegan food, lots of greens. Since then I have been reading tons about Raw eating and have gotten more creative than simply lots of salads. I still try to get in tons of greens, which I need to restock on since they go by so quickly, but enjoy a wider variety of yumminess. A new favorite, which I just told my dear mommy about is grated zuchini with a raw vegan pesto sauce, so it is like pesto pasta but with shredded zuchini instead. SO good. I need to make that again, ASAP, and maybe some cashew creamy "alfredo" sauce. I have noticed a few things since eating high raw. I didn't get sick much. I used to get at least 2 nasty flu things during semester, but nothing really happened last semester. There was one time when I thought something was comming on, but it never amounted to anything, and if I do get a little something, it goes away smoothly and quickly. This did not used to be the case AT ALL. I was prepared to miss a couple days of school due to ilness, simple because I have always, but last semester I never did. I only missed class by choice. Likewise, this semester, so far, I have been sniffle free and seem to have tons of energy. Even if I'm sleepy, I have energy hahahaha! That could just be my mood change. I have been getting lots of comments on my skin, which is interesting because I don't think I got so many in such a short period of time before. I definitly credit this to my food. I also seem to have lost my taste for most cooked foods and sugars again. I feel overwhelmed and get a tummy ache is I eat more than a couple bites of cooked food. Oh yah, my tummy has been feel wonderful since coming back to school and going mostly raw again. I wasn't at home so much as now. My headaches are still semi present, but they seem to actually go away as opposed to lingering. Perhaps it is just optimism. I know the whole not getting sick thing is related though.

Try some raw dishes, there are some truly awesome recipes out there. They are fast and easy, make plenty of food, and clean up is rinse and dry. Good for a student! For my dinner today I made Gazpatcho, which I don't think is my fav thing, but I thought I would try it. I sall see today.


I had my second meeting of the fitness club yesterday. It was a MUCH smaller group, which suited me perfectly. I put them through the machine curcuit and then some intervals on the treadmills. 10 minutes of butt kicking cardio! They seemed all wiped out after the workout, which was my goal. A lot of these girls know the gym and go, but barely push themselves when they are there. They think gyming is about maybe breaking a sweat at the end of an hour. I'm trying to show them that your workout really should be the hardest part of your day, but also one of the most rewarding! When they see that they can push themselves FARTHER than they thought, they will hopefully do so on thier own and benefit :D I have my next meeting tomorrow,a nd the sign up is MORE than full, so I need to figure out what to do with all those girls.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Some Summer Pictures

Daddy using a syringe to syrup his pancakes! Yummmm

I landed and set up Albert's speakers. Makes music so much nicer, never knew...Thanks Albert!

The Montana market I got spices from mwhahaha!

Close up!!!
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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Fitness Club!!

Sooo, you are all DYING to know how my Women's Fitness meeting went yesterday? Well, Lets just say that 15 girls ended up being signed on the sheet, and half of those girls didn't show up....but there were 15 girls at the meeting!!! Yah! That is a good thing! A bunch of people came who hadn't signed up and they LOVED it! I LOVED it! It went so well I couldn't believe it. I really was too happy for my own good afterwards. Practically shaking from giddiness! The girls who missed it are more likely than not, going to come next time, since I know them, and how they completely forgot what time it started, but the feedback was so positive that word of mouth will surely get more people excited about it. They were asking me to do it more than once a week, to incorporate dance into it, they loved having no boys in the gym, the gym stagiere is awesome and set out extra mats for the girls and even wiped them down! *SIGH*

So what did I do? First I started with basic introductions. Asked names, experience, and why they came (what they wanted to get out of this etc.) Half just didn't want guys around, and half wanted to learn more about the gym. Most of the girls had been to a gym before, so that was good. I had them warm up (in shifts) on the equipment and then showed them some basic, effective, stretches. Then I put them through a nice full body, body-weight, curcuit. Then an abs focus with plenty of tips and tricks on how to stay fit simply. It was really nice. There were a lot of girls there for the amount of equipment available, so I may have to start putting a cap on how many people can come.

This week I'm going to have two classes: Tuesday and Thursday. I think I'll do a cardio class and some stuff on th emachines, then move to freeweights, we'll see. I'll let you all know!